Understanding Protective Orders in Texas

At Holan Law, PLLC, we understand the profound impact that domestic violence and threatening behavior can have on individuals and families. Protective orders are an essential legal tool in Texas to help safeguard individuals who are at risk of harm. Our team is committed to assisting clients in securing the protection they need to ensure their safety and well-being.

What is a Protective Order?

A protective order, also known as a restraining order, is a court order designed to protect individuals from abusive behavior or harassment. In Texas, a protective order can be obtained to prevent ongoing family violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual abuse. Protective orders can require the abuser to stay away from the victim, cease any threatening communication, and even vacate a shared residence if necessary.

Protective orders can be classified into three types:

  • These orders are granted by a judge without the abuser being present and are designed to offer immediate short-term protection.

  • These are long-term orders issued after a full hearing, during which both parties have the opportunity to present evidence.

    • Issued by a magistrate, usually following an arrest for family violence, these orders offer immediate protection for the victim.

Who Can Get a Protective Order?:

You can apply for a protective order if:

You are a victim of family violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

You have a close relationship with the abuser, such as a spouse, intimate partner, family member, or housemate.

You fear for your safety and believe that violence is likely to occur again.

Protective orders are available to individuals of any gender, and our attorneys work to ensure everyone receives the support they need.

The Process of Obtaining a Protective Order

Getting a protective order in Texas involves several steps, which our attorneys can guide you through:

Holan Law, PLLC Can Help


Holan Law, PLLC Can Help 〰️

Navigating the protective order process can be challenging and emotionally draining. At Holan Law, PLLC, we offer compassionate, client-centered representation to help you every step of the way. Our experienced attorneys will assist with filing the application, preparing for hearings, and advocating for your safety and rights in court.

We understand that every situation is unique. Whether you are seeking an emergency order or need help enforcing an existing protective order, our dedicated legal team is ready to provide the support you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get a protective order?

Temporary protective orders can be issued quickly, sometimes the same day you apply. A final protective order may take a few weeks depending on court availability and scheduling.

What happens if the abuser violates the protective order?

Violating a protective order is a criminal offense in Texas. If the abuser violates the order, they can be arrested and face additional criminal charges. It is essential to report any violations immediately.

Can a protective order include child custody provisions?

Yes, a protective order may include provisions for temporary child custody, visitation, and support, depending on the circumstances.